The Monitor Base Ball Club of Chelsea began its modern reincarnation in 2011, resurrecting the name of an actual ball club from Chelsea's mid 19th-century history.  Like the original Monitors, this modern club is an assemblage of amateur ballists of varying ages & professions, but all united in passion for the great pastime of base ball.  Sportsmanship, hustle and a reverence of base ball's inherent beauty define their mission.  

The past thirteen years have seen the Monitors travel near and far to meet other friendly clubs of nine on the ball field.  At their home field of Timbertown Park, the Monitors have hosted more than 60 matches against friendly rivals and more than 175 open practices, inviting all to come enjoy.  Wagons have carried them as far North as Mackinac Island, East as Gettysburg PA, South as Columbus OH and West as the Field of Dreams in Iowa to ply their trade as base ball practitioners.  Win or lose, their goals remain the same:  fellowship with their opponents and providing a fun attraction for all spectators.  Also...trying not to break their fingers. 

Meet the Club

2023 Active Roster

2023 Club Photos by Randy Lee

"Honest Jon" Van Hoek (captain)

Member since 2011

Dan "Hawgcooker" Aldrich

Member since 2011

Dick "Deke" Dice

Member since 2011

Reed "Kid" Aldrich

Member since 2012

Eric "E-Rev" Keaton

Member since 2011

Dan "Crusher" Williams

Member since 2011

Billy "Jack Lumber" Rouech

Member since 2013

Owen "Pistol" Busch

Loren "Hammer" Peroni

Jeff "Stumpjumper" Harris

Terry "Panama" Turner

Jake "Rook" Gabrielson

Mark "Maverick" Matusik

Greg "Sparky" Van Orman

Jay "Night Train" Neitring

Reserve & Alumni Roster

Roger "Quickstep" Wildey

Wayne "Doc" Petty

Steve "Reno" Whitesall

Member since 2014

Peter "Stonewall" Van Hoek

"Gentle Ben" Van Hoek

Henry "Walnut" Van Hoek

Mike "Stagecoach" Fischer

Gary "Dork" Saya

Edward "U-Haul" Krzysik

Jim "Doc" Duncan

Jasen "Hands" King

Jeff "Salmon" Tyson